Rear Admiral Jean-Mathieu Rey, Joint Commander of the French Forces of the Pacific and Polynesia

March 1, 2022. About the role of ALPACI, the Indo-Pacific and the Franco-Chilean relationship.

NIall Ferguson: “I’m pretty sure Putin wants to take military action,” says Niall Ferguson

On January 27, 2022, the director of AthenaLab, Juan Pablo Toro, spoke with the renowned British historian Niall Ferguson about his latest book “Doom”.

Russia-Ukraine crisis: a vision of the French General (R) Olivier Kempf

Today, Tuesday, January 18, the director of La Vigie, General (R) Olivier Kempf, analyzed the crisis between Russia and Ukraine at AthenaLab.

Special AUKUS

AthenaLab spoke to three experts about the AUKUS Initiative, a military cooperation pact between the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. James Rogers (UK) Director of Research at the Council on Geostrategy talks with Juan Pablo Toro, Executive Director on AthenaLab about the recently announced AUKUS initiative. James Holmes (US) Professor at the US […]

Revisiting Intelligence Successes and Failures Twenty Years after 9/11

September 10, 2021. With General James R. Clapper

2034: A Novel of the Next World War

On Tuesday, August 3, 2021, AthenaLab spoke with the former head of NATO and the Southern Command, Admiral USN (r) James Stavridis, about his latest book where he deals with a fictional war between the United States and China.

Klaus Dodds presented “Border Wars”: the border conflicts that will define the future

On March 24, 2021, the British expert Klaus Dodds presented “Border Wars” in a webinar organized by AthenaLab, in which he explained that the purpose of his book is to offer a conceptual framework to understand the different types of current borders and the dynamics that cross them. Within the typology that Dodds detailed, are […]

Security challenges for the United States in the Biden administration

David Rothkopf, CEO of The Rothkopf Group, author of the book “Traitor: A History of Betraying America from Benedict Arnold to Donald Trump” and former director of Foreign Policy magazine, in a conference with AthenaLab and Columbia Global Centers | Santiago on January 15, 2021, explained the security challenges for the United States in the […]