The strategic importance of the Indo-Pacific explained by Rory Medcalf (ANU)

The director of the National Security College of the Australian National University (ANU), Rory Medcalf, in a conference with AthenaLab on November 12, 2020, explained the challenges and opportunities of the Indo-Pacific, a central region for world affairs. His conference included the introduction of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Andrés Allamand, who expressed Chile’s interest […]

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), London interviews John Griffiths on his “Western Way of War” podcast.

Peter Roberts, director of the Military Sciences program at RUSI, interviewed John Griffiths Spielman, head of AthenaLab’s Security and Defense studies, on August 10 of this year, as part of a program on the “Western Form of War”. ”, in which academics, politicians and members of the British and European Armed Forces have participated, such […]

“Chile has to be a maritime state,” says British historian Andrew Lambert

A wide participation had the online conference “The benefits of being a maritime country in the 21st century”, given on Friday, June 19, 2020 by Andrew Lambert, Professor of Naval History at King’s College London, which was organized by AthenaLab and which had the support of the Naval War Academy of the Chilean Navy and […]