In 2023, as the war between Russia and Ukraine threatened to extend indefinitely, the world was surprised by Hamas’ terrorist military incursion against Israel, unleashing a conflict in Gaza whose ramifications today extend to the Red Sea, compromising international maritime traffic. The positive international news was the relative stabilisation of relations between the United States […]

The State of Chile is currently facing a volatile, uncertain and ambiguous international scenario, marked by competition between great powers, and in which new threats and risks emerge at an increasingly frequent pace. Faced with unpredictable contexts, a State that does not have an adequate security architecture will face these problems without the required strategic […]

Thesis guided by AthenaLab to Georgetown students.May 24, 2022

● Antarctica is currently governed by the Antarctic Treaty System (ATS), which has been effective since 1961 and comprises the Antarctic Treaty (signed in 1959) and a series of related agreements. In total, there are 12 signatories to the ATS and 54 parties to it. ● Of the ATS’ signatories, seven – Argentina, Australia, Chile, […]

Executive summary The mega-fire that broke out in December 2019 in Australia seems to be a tragic example of what can happen if climate change accelerates with devastating consequences. Even countries with an immense state capacity and vast resources can be overwhelmed when facing emergencies of great magnitude, providing a postcard of a future that […]

Executive Summary · The unpredictable turmoil and protests that erupted in October 2019 are unprecedented in terms of magnitude in the last three decades in Chile. Those manifestations of disgruntled people that spread from Santiago to several large cities of the country ended up in destruction of both public and private properties, as well as […]

When we established AthenaLab, we faced the need to have an independent study that would allow us to know the geopolitical situation of Chile in a very interesting and complex moment. It was clear that the country has an unusual role given the different instances such as APEC, COP25, TPP + 11, Prosur and the […]

The recent explosive attacks in Santiago, the deterioration of security in the Araucanía, the criminal pressures on the northern border and the cyber-attacks against banks demonstrate the urgent need for better intelligence work. Without underestimating their seriousness, the scale of these cases means that it is still possible to stop them from growing if the […]